Drip vs Sprinkler and Evergreen vs Dropped Leaves
Drip vs Sprinkler and Evergreen vs Dropped Leaves
Many yards have sprinkler systems because we all have grass, which is only a problem when you decide to plant something other than grass or annuals. Most perennials, shrubs, and trees, especially conifers, prefer to not have their leaves sprayed with our heavy salty and chemical water, especially if you are using irrigation water. The water leaves a residue on the leaves and needles of the plants and trees blocking their ability to receive sunlight and photosynthesize, slowing the growth of the plant. In time this can harm many plants and trees so much that they die.
Most trees drop their leaves in the fall and grow new ones in the spring, residue free until they are coated again. Watered delivered by sprinklers is less damaging for these trees.
Conifers, however, will eventually die from being coated with the residue of the water because they don’t drop their needles. If your landscape includes conifers and other plants that don't drop their leaves, using drip only near your trees, shrubs, and perennials is recommended to help your beautiful landscape flourish.